Eco Friendly Sunglasses? Waterhaul Sunglasses Review

Happy Earth Day 2021! Do you value recycling? Check out these eco friendly recycled sunglasses from Waterhaul! *****

April 22nd is Earth Day and to celebrate the occasion I wanted to review a special frame from my sunglasses collection. Waterhaul Sunglasses are made by a small England based company driven to help the earth by turning old fishing nets into eco friendly fashion!
These sunglasses frames are made 100% from recycled ocean fishing nets and the lenses are recyclable mineral glass lenses (high optical quality).

In addition to offering affordable sunglasses, Waterhaul does also offer optical glasses for prescription (I have not tried these) and they even offer a lifetime Warranty on their products!

Sunglasses Features:
– Polarized Lenses
– Antireflective (On both sides!)
– Lifetime Warranty

To learn more about Waterhaul and what they are doing, check out their website here:

Please let me know if you have a video idea or a topic you want covered as I take them seriously! Thank you and love you all!
-Doctor Eye Health (Joseph Allen, OD, FAAO)

This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something the channel may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.

💡 Helpful Videos for you:
What are Polarized vs Non Polarized Sunglasses:

How to buy the best sunglasses lenses for you:

Looking to buy new sunglasses? Check out our Frame Reviews!

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About This Video:
Ever heard of recycled sunglasses? In this video, Dr. Allen from Doctor Eye Health shares his Waterhaul Sunglasses Review, an eco friendly sunglasses brand. Their sunglasses and eyewear products are made from 100% recycled ocean fishing nets and carry a lifetime guarantee. If you value products with a good cause and made higher quality, then this video is for you.

#sunglasses #recycle #doctoreyehealth

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