Is Rubbing Your Eyes Good or Bad?

Is rubbing your eyes good or bad? In this video we review why you shouldn’t rub your eyes and what happen if you do. We also share 3 tips on how to stop rubbing your eyes (how to stop itchy eyes).

Is rubbing your eyes bad for you? Unfortunately, yes. Eye rubbing may feel good momentarily but often makes itchy eyes feel much worse. Eye rubbing breaks a cell in your eyelid tissues called a “mast cell” which releases histamine. Histamine then causes dilation of your blood vessels and swelling of your eyelid tissue which in turns makes things worse.

Eye rubbing is harmful in that it is strongly associated with the development and progression of keratoconus. Keratoconus is an eye disease where the cornea progressively things and protrudes from its normal shape, inducing high levels of irregular astigmatism. Rubbing the eyes is believed to aggravate an enzymatic breakdown of the corneal collagen which speeds up this condition.

How to Stop Rubbing Your Eyes
1. Consider doing cold compresses on your eyelids with a cold washrag
2. Use artificial tear eye drops
3. Try anti-histamine medications and eye drops

Allergy Eye Drops for Itchy Eyes
1. Pataday 0.1%
2. Pataday 0.2%
3. Pataday 0.7%
4. Alaway (Preservative Free)

Not a fan of eye drops? Learn ways to manage eye allergies without eye drops in this playlist:

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Itchy eyes can also be a symptom of blepharitis
Learn more about Blepharitis and eyelid health here:

đź’ˇ Recommended for you!
đź”´ Tips for putting in eye drops:

âś… My favorite dry eye drops for DRY EYES!

⚡ Learn more about Dry Eyes and Dry Eye Treatment:

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