Large Eye Floaters Explained – Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD)

What is a Posterior Vitreous Detachment? Eye floaters commonly develop as we age but sometimes you can have a large floater that we refer to as a posterior vitreous detachment (pvd). Posterior vitreous detachment symptoms may include eye floaters and flashes, blurred vision or even complete vision loss in the event of a retinal detachment. Thankfully, eye floaters often improve on their own, otherwise floaters may be treated with a few surgical procedures. Learn about laser vitreolysis here

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Main points of this video:

Posterior Vitreous Detachment Symptoms
– New floaters in eyes
– Flashes of lights in your vision
– Blurred vision
– Vision loss or dark curtain coming into view
**If you are experiencing any new symptoms please call your local eye doctor (ophthalmologist or optometrist) to be seen.

New posterior vitreous detachments carry about a 5% risk of retinal holes, retinal tears or retinal detachment. More info on retinal detachments

Posterior Vitreous detachment Treatment
– Time (usually eye floaters in vision improve in 1-6 months)
– Laser Vitreolysis – see video here
– Vitrectomy

I hope you find this video helpful and please comment with any questions you have about eye floaters and other eye health related topics. I take all of your comments and questions seriously and I appreciate you. – Joseph Allen, OD FAAO

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Photo / Video Credits
Photo Credit: Inder Paul Singh, MD – Retina Today March 2019 | Ellex Medical

About this video: Are you wondering what causes eye floaters or wanting to hear eye floaters explained? In this video series about eye floaters, Joseph J. Allen, OD FAAO reviews how eye floaters affect our vision and how an ophthalmologist may treat floaters. If you are seeing eye floaters and flashes in your vision, then this is the eye floaters video series for you.

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