NEW Glasses for Migraine Relief? Avulux Migraine Glasses Review

Dr. Allen shares his experience using Avulux migraine glasses for light sensitivity and migraine relief.➡️ Check out Avulux Migraine Glasses here

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📒 Show Notes 📒
Light sensitivity, also known as photophobia, is one of the most common symptoms experienced by those who get migraine headaches. There are several different brands of migraine glasses on the market but a new company called Avulux has come to the market and has a different type of lens technology.

Although there are many different types of migraine treatment options, in the eyecare world we have largely been limited to eyeglasses, prisms or sunglasses to help with migraine relief and photophobia. Other brands of migraine glasses have historically worked with a pink filter lens called an FL41 tint, however in this review we will talk about why avulux glasses are different.

Now while this Avulux migraine glasses review is only based on my own experience testing them out for the last 12+ months, published testing shows promising results with over a 90% success rate by those who wear them. If you suffer from migraine headaches or light sensitivity, these may be something to consider.

Studies on Migraine Headaches and Light sensitivity
For more info see website as they have a great reference section.

QUESTION — What has helped you the most with finding migraine relief? Was it medication, glasses, or a lifestyle change?

Other brands of Migraine Glasses to compare to
Axon Optics

(I have personally found some success with these two other brands, as well some of my patients, however, keep in mind, not everyone may experience the same effect)

✅ Looking for more information about Migraine with Aura or other visual problems related to migraines and headaches? Check out these videos

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How to get rid of Eye Strain:
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About This Video:
Dr. Allen reviews the Avulux Migraine Glasses and how they may help with light sensitivity or photophobia from migraine headaches. These new avulux migraine glasses have been specifically designed with a type of filter to reduce blue, red and amber light which has been found in research to be a trigger for migraine headaches and light sensitivity. If you suffer from light sensitivity and are looking for migraine relief, this video is for you.

#migraine #migraineglasses #doctoreyehealth

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