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Learn the differences between reading glasses vs computer glasses and which one may work best for you. Check out our full series on How to Reduce EYE STRAIN here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0ly1zM3q14&list=PLzi60fSuOmPADKtKWeM1u3UTLYY5ULKch
If you experience eye strain or have challenges seeing your computer screen clearly, you may benefit from using computer glasses of some kind. People often ask me if reading glasses and computer glasses are the same, and while technically they are not, they have some similarities. In fact, some people may be able to use reading glasses as computer glasses.
The biggest difference between computer glasses vs reading glasses is the powers needed. Computer glasses usually need less power than what is in reading glasses because we usually hold reading material closer than the computer screen.
The best eyeglasses for reading and computer are prescription computer glasses, but there are several options to choose from. Prescription computer glasses can come as single vision computer lenses, progressive lenses or even an office based progressive lens.
0:00 Reading Glasses Vs Computer Glasses
0:43 Are reading glasses and computer glasses the same
1:15 Can Reading Glasses be used as computer glasses
1:33 What power of Reading glasses to use
2:21 Harmon Distance
3:17 Computer Glasses Power
4:40 Eye Drops for Reading Glasses
5:03 Computer Glasses Vs Prescription Glasses
5:32 Best eyeglasses for reading and computer
6:44 Computer Glasses vs Progressive
7:40 Office Computer Glasses Explained
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Want to learn more about Presbyopia and the need for reading glasses? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsvaX8KA1NA
Learn about the new VUITY Eye drop for Presbyopia!
DISCLAIMER: This video is NOT sponsored, but some of these links are affiliate links where I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.
🎉 Eyeglasses used in this video:
Blue Light Glasses I use while on the computer
Gamer Advantage
Save 10% with “EyeHealth”
My favorite Reading glasses (really cool)
Thinoptics (Keychain)
âś… Recommended playlists:
Buying New Eyeglasses? Let us help you with our FREE Guide! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVPj4om505E&list=PLzi60fSuOmPBWMT-jd7GYS6EDpv3CfK5P
Do Blue Light Glasses work? Learn all about blue light and blue light glasses:
My PRO Tips to relieve Eye Strain! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPfCtJ1PX9I&list=PLzi60fSuOmPAFLCd8q_pnlhXwezDPHMaA
Glasses Cleaning Hacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyRmml3FkCc&list=PLzi60fSuOmPC88AQouDwh0VBt2Izs9MUY
DISCLAIMER: We are ambassadors or affiliates for many of the brands we reference on the channel. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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About This Video: Are computer glasses stronger than reading glasses? Join us as we compare reading glasses vs computer glasses. Many people use reading glasses as their computer glasses, however they are different in that reading glasses are usually stronger than computer glasses.
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