Removing 23 Contact Lenses Stuck in Eye Reaction

A woman had 23 contact lenses stuck under her eyelid! Can contact lenses get behind the eye?

Learn how to remove contact lenses stuck on your eye! Whether your contact lens is stuck on the eye or the contact is stuck under the eyelid, this guide will help you out. New to contact lenses? Check out the full playlist for beginners👉

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How to Remove Contacts when the lens is stuck (Step by step)
IF you’re freaking out, take a rest and relax.
Wash and Dry your hands (very dry hands work best)
2. Control your eyelids with your fingers
3. Pinch the contact lens with fingers as shown (don’t touch your eye)
4. Remove the lens
5. Clean the lens if needed or throw away
TIP: If needed, insert a drop of artificial tears (best if made for contact lenses) or multipurpose contact lens disinfecting solution to rewet the lens on the eye.

What to do when contact lens stuck under upper eyelid
1. Wash and Dry your hands (very dry hands work best)
2. Look down and toward your nose
3. Gently push on your eyelid and move the lens downward toward the eyelid opening
4. Pinch the contact lens or let it fall out while you blink.
5. Clean the lens if needed or throw away

IMPORTANT: If you ever have a red eye, a painful eye, you think you scratched your eye or experiencing vision loss related to your contacts…REMOVE THE LENSES and call your local eye doctor ASAP.

⚡ Check out this Guide on How to Clean Your Contacts

⚡ Here are the Rewetting drops for contact lenses we like to use


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#contactlenses #contactlens #doctoreyehealth

About This Video:
Recently, a lady had 23 contacts stuck in her eye. The video has since spread across the interent with many doctors and health professionals talking about it. Here I watch them taking 23 contact lenses out of her eye and talk about why the lenses look green and what to do if you lose a contact lens behind your eye.

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