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Name : Anisa Farah M
Class : XI MIPA 3
Out of all the five senses, our vision is the most important. The eyes, as a sense organ that reacts to light and allows vision, is the most dominant sense organs. About 75% of the information we receive is visual information. Therefore, we have to maintain for eye health to prevent various eye diseases or disorders.
The common habits that can damage our eye is staring at gadget for a long time. However, because of Covid-19 pandemic, all of the schools are now providing daily learning with the help of online classes. And that’s means we have to use gadget in a long time. So, how to protect our eyes during the online classes?
1. Eat healthy diet for eyesight
Good eye health starts with the food. Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E might help ward off various eye disorder and age-related vision problems like macular degeneration and cataracts. Moreover, foods that contain a lot of vitamin A such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, milk, bananas, mangoes, sweet potatoes, and egg yolks can help improve our vision. Especially in the current Covid-19 pandemic, consumption of nutritious food is needed to improve body defenses.
2. Don’t staring at the screen continuously and keep a proper viewing distance
The eyes work harder when our line of sight is too close. So, keep your eye distance from the screen at least 40-50 cm, so that your eyes don’t get tired easily. Also, don’t stare at the screen continuously for long periods of time. Use the device maximum for 2 hours. Get up at least every 2 hours and take a 15 minute break after using the gadget. Then, if you’ve already used gadgets especially for online classes, don’t use gadgets for a longer time.
3. Adjust screen brightness
Students should adjust the brightness of their laptop or tablet screens to reduce eye strain. The lighting shouldn’t be too bright or too dim. Adjust the screen brightness so that it is comfortable to use, for example at the level of 50 percent. In addition, make sure the room used has good lighting.
4. Follow the 20-20-20 rule
The “20-20-20” rule means “Rest your eyes every 20 minutes. Look 20 feet away (about 6 meters) for 20 seconds.” This exercise helps prevent digital eye strain and eye damage in the long run.
5. Do eye relaxation exercises
To relieve eye strain, use fingers to gently massage the eyelids, the muscle above the eyebrows, the under-eyes and temples. This helps increase blood circulation to the eyes and relaxes the muscles around your eyes. Furthermore, you can also rub both hands until warm then put on your eyes, or place the warm cloth or cold compress over your eyelids.
6. Take proper rest
The eye is one part of the body that also needs rest so that it can work optimally. Tired eye will reduced the focus of vision. Moreover, due to the heavy workload, tired eyes lead to dry eyes and dry eyes can cause headaches, eye strain, and blurry vision. Last, you should avoid staying up late because this habit will endanger eye health gradually.
– https://ukesma.ukm.ugm.ac.id/2020/10/16/yuk-jaga-kesehatan-mata-di-era-daring/
– https://www.medcom.id/pendidikan/tips-pendidikan/nN9rgL8b-tips-menjaga-kesehatan-mata-selama-belajar-daring
– http://www.p2ptm.kemkes.go.id/infographic-p2ptm/gangguan-indera/menjaga-kesehatan-mata-di-era-daring
– http://www.p2ptm.kemkes.go.id/artikel-sehat/buah-dan-sayur-pelindung-mata-ini-daftarnya
– https://womantalk.com/health/articles/bahaya-begadang-bagi-kesehatan-mata-yLrM0
– https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/how-reduce-eye-strain-due-online-classes-studies#:~:text=Tips%20to%20reduce%20eye%20strain%20due%20to%20online%20classes%2Fstudies%2D&text=Students%20are%20advised%20to%20use,screens%20to%20reduce%20eye%20strain.
– https://www.nanyang.com.sg/blog/eye-relaxing-tips-simple-but-effective-home-remedies-to-relieve-eye-strain
– https://www.insightvisioncenter.com/6-eye-relaxation-exercises-actually-work-improve-vision/