The #1 BEST Eye Drops for Itchy Eyes – (Best Eye Drops for Allergies)

Learn about the best eye drops for itchy eyes! If you suffer from eye allergies then you need to check out this new over the counter allergy eye drop: Pataday Extra Strength!

If you want to know how to get rid of itchy eyes, then this is the video for you! Itchy eyes are often a symptom of eye allergies, AKA Allergic Conjunctivitis. Allergic conjunctivitis treatment typically includes using some form of topical antihistamine eye drop such as the allergy eye drops featured in this video. The new Extra Strength Pataday is now over the counter and not only works as an antihistamine (for allergy relief ASAP) but also as a mast cell stabilizer (prevents future outbreaks). Which makes this an easy choice for the best eye drops for allergies this season.

Not a fan of eye drops? Learn ways to manage eye allergies without eye drops in this playlist:

🔔 Subscribe for more free eye health education and tips:

This video is NOT SPONSORED, but this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.

Allergy Eye Drops for Fast Allergy Eye Relief
1. Pataday 0.1% (Twice Daily):
2. Pataday 0.2% (Once Daily):
3. Pataday 0.7% (Extra Strength):
4. Alaway (Preservative Free):

Itchy eyes can also be a symptom of blepharitis
Learn more about Blepharitis and eyelid health here:

Products to help with Blepharitis
Hypochlorous Acid Solution: Keep eyelids clean and prevents styes
👉 Heyedrate Lid and Lash Cleanser:

Warm compress for eyelids: Improves Oil Gland health
👉 TearRestore Heat Mask: (My morning mask)
Use “DoctorEyeHealth” to save 20%

👉 Tranquileyes Heat Mask (My evening mask)

Time Stamps:
0:40 Allergic conjunctivitis
1:00 Best allergy eye drops
1:26 How Pataday Works
1:44 Seasonal Allergies
2:01 Pataday Eye Drops
3:03 Pataday eye drops age limit (pediatric dosing)
3:20 Alaway Preservative Free
4:21 Alaway age limit (pediatric dosing)

💡 Recommended for you!
🔴 Tips for putting in eye drops:
✅ My favorite dry eye drops for DRY EYES!
⚡ Learn more about Dry Eyes and Dry Eye Treatment:

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P.O. Box 529 Osseo, MN 55369

#allergies #itchyeyes #doctoreyehealth

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