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LASIK eye surgery is one of the safest eye surgeries we have but what happens when someone has a bad lasik surgery? Here is my doctor reacts video of my first time watching Final Destination 5, where I review what really happens during laser eye surgery and where this movie gets it all wrong.
I love horror movies and when I heard there was a lasik eye surgery scene in Final Destination, I had to shoot a reaction video.
Typically, a lasik eye surgery experience goes by fast and without any problems. In this movie, many things go terribly wrong and there were many aspects to the lasik experience that were not true to life.
If you are ever considering getting Lasik or any laser eye surgery, please consult your local ophthalmologist or optometrist for more information and what may be the best for you.
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-Doctor Eye Health (Joseph Allen, OD, FAAO)
For more info on laser eye surgery and your options – check out this video:
Reference Articles about Lasik eye surgery and refractive surgery
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How to Clean Your Glasses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyRmml3FkCc&list=PLzi60fSuOmPD1BwjKzxJ6bu2_fBBwCphO&index=2
Anti Fog Glasses Hacks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Rpna0mNXHE&list=PLzi60fSuOmPD1BwjKzxJ6bu2_fBBwCphO&index=4
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About this video:
Here is my doctor reacts to lasik eye surgery gone wrong video. Many people are afraid of the eyes and anything touching the eyes, so obviously, horror movies often show bad things happening to people’s eyeballs. In this video, see Dr. Allen’s first time watching final destination 5 as he breaks down lasik eye surgery gone bad and truths to laser eye surgery.
If you love watching scary movies or are interested in knowing more about the eyes or eye surgery, this video is for you.
MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including: inforÂmaÂtion, opinions, conÂtent, refÂerÂences and links is for inforÂmaÂtional purÂposes only. The Author does not proÂvide any medÂical advice on the Site. AccessÂing, viewing, readÂing or othÂerÂwise using this content does NOT creÂate a physician-patient relaÂtionÂship between you and it’s author. ProÂvidÂing perÂsonal or medÂical inforÂmaÂtion to the Principal author does not creÂate a physician-patient relaÂtionÂship between you and the Principal author or authors. NothÂing conÂtained in this video or it’s description is intended to estabÂlish a physician-patient relaÂtionÂship, to replace the serÂvices of a trained physiÂcian or health care proÂfesÂsional, or othÂerÂwise to be a subÂstiÂtute for proÂfesÂsional medÂical advice, diagÂnoÂsis, or treatment. You should conÂsult a licensed physiÂcian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your comÂmuÂnity in all matÂters relatÂing to your health.