Why Glasses Give You Headaches

Learn the 5 reasons glasses cause headaches! Learn more about finding the best glasses for you here 👉 http://bit.ly/BestEyeGlassesGuide

Are you wearing progressive lenses and want to know how to adapt to progressive lenses, here are my 5 tips: https://youtu.be/FBJKirbCA2I

How to Pick Glasses for your Face Shape: https://youtu.be/FVPj4om505E
Eyeglasses Lens Guide: https://youtu.be/vPLgzFnzcUQ

✅ Recommended playlists:

Looking to buy new glasses? Watch our full guide: http://bit.ly/EyeGlassesGuide

Eyeglasses Tips and Tricks to help you!

💡 Videos for frequently asked questions:

How to Clean Your Glasses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyRmml3FkCc&list=PLzi60fSuOmPD1BwjKzxJ6bu2_fBBwCphO&index=2

Anti Fog Glasses Tips and Tricks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Rpna0mNXHE&list=PLzi60fSuOmPD1BwjKzxJ6bu2_fBBwCphO&index=4

How to fix broken glasses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pbf7VqGXKHo&list=PLzi60fSuOmPD1BwjKzxJ6bu2_fBBwCphO&index=10

Eyeglasses Reviews! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7lFs-rtKM4&list=PLzi60fSuOmPC1x6fCPF14Km7Z8vt-Y3db

Sunglasses Guide:

Let’s Connect! Dr. Allen on Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doctoreyehealth/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doctoreyehealth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/doctoreyehealth

📧Sign up for our newsletter! https://www.doctoreyehealth.com/subscribe

For more information about no line bifocals and progressive lens tips, check out our blog!
Website: www.doctoreyehealth.com

⚡ Doctor Allen is now seeing scheduling new patients at

For Collaborations: DoctorEyehealth@gmail.com

1239 2nd St N # 741, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379

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MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the Site. Access­ing, viewing, read­ing or oth­er­wise using this content does NOT cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and it’s author. Pro­vid­ing per­sonal or med­ical infor­ma­tion to the Principal author does not cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and the Principal author or authors. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health.

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